Life & Health

Navigating the world of personal insurance can be daunting, but our team will help you safeguard your health, lifestyle and loved ones against the unexpected.

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Personal insurance

Life and health insurance is all about protecting the things that you can’t afford to replace. If you lose the ability to earn income, how will you pay for your mortgage? If one of the income-earners of the family passes away, how will you take care of your family?

Our team will take the time to get to know your unique situation and create solutions tailored for you. We’ll help you take care of tomorrow, so you can enjoy today with confidence.

Protect what matters most. Advice is available at no cost to you.

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How does Life & Health Insurance work?

The best place to start is to consider the 3 levels of cover:

How much should I be paying?

We realise that with a new mortgage, it can feel like you need to cut other expenses. We recommend our clients budget for between 2.5-4% of their gross salary towards Life, Health and Medical insurance.

Usually 2.5% would get the barebones package, and 4% giving you full cover. At 4% of gross salary, you'll be able to sleep easy knowing that the most unforeseen events can be taken care of financially.

We recommend getting the full amount of cover that your budget can afford so that, when the time comes, you have the money you need.

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