Our Story

We'll get you to where you want to be

Velocity was founded in the early 2000s by us (Graham and Brendon). We were (and thankfully still are) longtime friends with backgrounds in social and community work. Back in those days, we were busy setting up community intervention programs, working in jails, alternative education programs, youth mentoring, employment aid, and running youth groups. It was an incredible experience, but after many years, we felt pretty burned out.

Meet our team

We had to shift focus, and we had a few different career options—working for the UN, car sales, real estate, or financial services! "How on earth did you get from youth work to financial services?" we hear you say. Well, to us, they are both about helping and developing people, just in different ways. We still help people change their future. So, it made total sense to us.

Fast forward 20ish years, and the rest is history. Velocity is thankfully now much bigger than just Graham and Brendon! Our team of financial advisers comes from diverse backgrounds of service as well and shares our values. That’s what unites a great team. They're entrepreneurs, pub owners, mechanics, civil servants, beauticians, radio DJs, entertainers, and banking professionals. They've already worked in service lines and have proven they too have the same focus on helping people as we do, shifting to become qualified financial professionals and continuing the same journey as us. Basically, they're a bunch of great people, and we like them a lot.

Today, we're proud to have built a wrap-around, holistic financial service (fancy, we know) to help all our clients be better off than what they were before. It works because our focus is on using debt and savings and managing risks to help clients become financially independent, through all the ups and downs of life.

Our clients tend to stay with us for many years (thank you) because what starts with just a first home turns into a second home, some insurance, maybe a baby, a divorce, a wedding, a retirement plan, etc. Who knows? (Well, we do, because as a team we have been through it all ourselves).

So, whether it was community or social work, or providing solid financial advice to clients, it has been awesome to be part of and connected to the Kiwis who have trusted us over the years.

And that is our story, so far! Stay tuned.

Graham and Brendon,
Founders and Directors Velocity Financial

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Our story

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