Yup, we are a financial services company, but we also 100% whole-heartedly believe that no one can achieve financial success or true wealth if they're feeling flat miserable. That's why we always pay attention to the link between mental health and wealth when it comes to dishing out financial advice.
Call us big softies, but we actually focus on feelings as well as numbers, because we know that hitting your goals and making true change starts from the inside out.
When talking to clients we want to know things like, where are you at, and how do you feel? Then we can have a real chat and help you to be better off.
For example, if you want to save for a house but have a bad Afterpay habit, earning more won't help. Any financial adviser worth your time should honestly hold you accountable for that.
A wonderful 2025 doesn't start by winning the lotto or achieving just one big thing. It happens with many small, happy (and ongoing) little changes. It's the same for money too.
So, take a holistic approach to your new year. Look after yourself, as well as your money, and see how you feel in 12 months' time!
1. Firstly, if you have been made redundant or had a relationship fail, do some emotional first aid. It really helps. Check out psychologist Guy Winch's TED Talk here.
2. Speaking of TED, get inspired with TED talks New Year’s Playlist
3. Quit doom-scrolling and try read a book that shakes you up a little (like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck). There are plenty of great second-hand options on Trade Me, marketplace or at the library to save yourself some coin.
4. Write an Attitude vs. Gratitude list. This is when you write on one side of a piece of paper what is making you unhappy, and then on the other side what you appreciate about that person/place/thing/lesson/opportunity. It’s a no-brainer that gratitude makes us happy.
5. Feeling low about yourself? Do the work and actively foster positive self-esteem by doing kind things for 21 days. Write down what you’ve done each day. You will feel different about yourself afterwards.
6. Everything sucks? Get out of the grey rut of complacency and enjoy life again by trying “dis-habituation” techniques
7. Post-holiday financial hangover? Read our tips for getting on top of your debt
8. Got time on your hands and a mess in your head? Declutter your space. Sell some stuff.
9. Protect your people by sorting your legal stuff.
10. Fall in love with saying NO instead of saying yes. Try these tips.
11. Walk around the block. Micro exercise is still beneficial and sometimes easier to commit to than big sessions.
12. Understand the U-Shaped Curve of Happiness and that how you feel right now is actually pretty normal!
13. Channel the skills of your ancestors and sew up any holes in your clothing. It saves money, the environment and feels good.
14. Be Bee-utifil. Plant some wildflowers for the bees. Enjoy mother nature at her busy best. Added bonus? Pretty flowers for your table too that don't cost the earth.
15. Kill your negative self-talk. Seriously, just stop that.
16. Free yourself from your crappy debt.
17. Create an auto-debit bank account “bucket” for next Christmas NOW. Your future self will thank you!
18. Release endorphins and have a 3-min dance party in your kitchen or bathroom every day.
19. Pay yourself FIRST. Read this Sorted Guide.
20. Kill your procrastination habit and schedule in to do what you have been putting off – visiting the doctor, dentist, IRD, etc.
21. Extend an olive branch to someone you miss, make amends if you need to.
22. How is your retirement planning? Honestly?? Make your retirement a priority.
23. Make peace with failure (it is not such a bad thing.)
24. Stop paying lazy tax for simply being busy person *
25. Start investing in something and let your money make you more money
BONUS IDEA: Do one thing this year that seriously pushes you out of your comfort zone. Like planning a NZ Great Walk in Summer 25/26.
Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have" Rabbi Hyman Schachtel
*Be careful when price comparing your insurances. When it comes to insurance, it's crucial to be well-informed. Understand your needs, research thoroughly, and consult an adviser. Always read the fine print and review your current policies regularly to ensure they still meet your needs. By doing so, you can make informed decisions and choose the right insurance policies for your situation.
This article was written by Shona and peer reviewed by our financial advisory team.
Disclaimer: Shona is not a financial adviser. The above is generalised information that has been peer-reviewed by the Velocity Financial Advisory team. As always, before you make any financial decisions, discuss your situation with an adviser from Velocity Financial, and seek advice from professionals, such as a lawyer and accountant, to find the best solution for your unique situation.
About Shona: Hi, I’m Shona, the communications and marketing support person for Velocity Financial. Designing effective communications in a complex industry such as Finance is a worthy challenge. Finding ways to bridge gaps between complex financial information, and the everyday needs of people trying to navigate that world through informed choices, is something that I relish. I love deciphering and disseminating the expert knowledge and ideas of our clever team, into simple messages that speak directly to our clients, who are hungry for more knowledge and better understanding (like me!). In my outside life, I am a keen photographer and, like others in the team, I have a passion for the outdoors, hiking and mountain biking. I also train in martial arts and have been known to wield a sword on occasion.
Always get professional advice
The information shared in this post is meant to be general guide to support you on your journey. When making important decisions about your finances, we encourage you to seek independent financial advice first, tailored to your unique situation. As well as talking with a financial adviser, make sure you talk to your lawyer and accountant too – together they'll help you find the best solution for your specific situation. Our knowledgeable financial advisers are here to help. Check out our website for the details about our financial advisory services in our disclosures https://www.velocityfinancial.co.nz/disclosure-statement.