December 4, 2024
Shona McGregor
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Boom or Bust? December 2024 List

What's hot and what's not for your wallet this month?

Here are our top picks for the December 2024 Boom or Bust list!


Dog Approved. We literally made a Christmas tree and decorations this year instead of going to Kmart for more plastic. (Dog is happy with choice of sticks.)


WTFinancials. Price variation on the same items. Image sourced from MoneyHub

This article was written by Shona and peer reviewed by our financial advisory team.

Disclaimer: Shona is not a financial adviser. The above is generalised information that has been peer-reviewed by the Velocity Financial Advisory team. As always, before you make any financial decisions, discuss your situation with an adviser from Velocity Financial, and seek advice from professionals, such as a lawyer and accountant, to find the best solution for your unique situation.

About Shona: Hi, I’m Shona, the communications and marketing support person for Velocity Financial. Designing effective communications in a complex industry such as Finance is a worthy challenge. Finding ways to bridge gaps between complex financial information, and the everyday needs of people trying to navigate that world through informed choices, is something that I relish. I love deciphering and disseminating the expert knowledge and ideas of our clever team, into simple messages that speak directly to our clients, who are hungry for more knowledge and better understanding (like me!). In my outside life, I am a keen photographer and, like others in the team, I have a passion for the outdoors, hiking and mountain biking. I also train in martial arts and have been known to wield a sword on occasion.

Always get professional advice

The information shared in this post is meant to be general guide to support you on your journey. When making important decisions about your finances, we encourage you to seek independent financial advice first, tailored to your unique situation.  As well as talking with a financial adviser, make sure you talk to your lawyer and accountant too – together they'll help you find the best solution for your specific situation. Our knowledgeable financial advisers are here to help. Check out our website for the details about our financial advisory services in our disclosures

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