July 9, 2024
Alice Kauri
The Premium Yarn
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The Premium Yarn by Caveo - July 2024

The Premium Yarn - The One Insurance Blog that won't put you to sleep.

Welcome to this month's edition of the Premium Yarn!

Hi Team,

Alice here!

I thought it was about time that I properly introduced myself, given that I have officially worked for Caveo for a year now. It's safe to say I have learned a lot in the past year, working alongside the OG, Joshua!

A Bit About Me

Before starting at Caveo, I was a stay-at-home mum for three years to my gorgeous four-year-old, Ruby. My time out of work is spent with her at her extracurricular activities (I feel like the amount of time we spend at a playground should also be included as an extracurricular) and exploring new areas! However, when she is with her Dad, I spend my 'me time' playing netball, catching up with friends or family, and watching a lot of rugby (union and league).

As Joshua mentioned in the last Yarn, I am newly qualified as an Insurance Adviser! I feel very proud of myself for having completed this in the timeframe that I did. I am looking forward to broadening my horizons and getting more hands-on with the commercial side of things, and I am excited to learn more about the different areas of insurance, as well as the different covers that are needed for specific industries. Additionally, I am excited to meet more of you while I do so. 😊

Insurance Pricing Outlook for the Year - Bit of a Mixed Bag

In the last 12 months, I have mainly been sending out all the home and contents renewal invites. It’s been a challenging time to enter the industry, coming off the back of the cyclone and floods. While El Nino is in the rear-view, there are still some factors to be aware of regarding pricing in the domestic market:

What to Expect

With that in mind, and before I call it another month, I wanted to give you some insight into what’s happening in the market as a whole. I'm including a small excerpt from our "Insurance Outlook" document that we send through with our renewals – this has recently been updated for June 2024:

Given the "less than expected" number of weather-related claims paid, and with reinsurance costs stabilizing, we believe pricing increases will continue upwards, albeit on a lesser trajectory than in previous years. We expect we will start to see pricing rates and premiums flatten for claims-free risks that are not prone to catastrophe peril locations, i.e., earthquakes, in the second half of the year.

  • Home Building and Contents remains a market suffering loss, and we still expect to see increases of 10%+ depending on dwelling locations, and more in high hazard areas.
  • We expect to see increases in the vicinity of 5%-10% for commercial insurance property risks, which will flatten as the year progresses and as insurers drive for market share.
  • Motor premium costs are steadying; however, the reliance on offshore vehicles, parts, and increasing labour prices see motor premiums continue to be above general inflation levels.
  • With regard to Liability/Professional line classes, due to the longer-term improved outlook for investment returns on reserves held for liability classes of insurance, particularly if inflation does continue to moderate, we have seen rates reduce on these classes of business.

If you have any questions on this or wanted to discuss anything in more detail with Joshua and me, then please don’t hesitate to reach out – he is now back from his trip to Japan and very slowly catching up on work and remembering how to do his job – be patient with him this week, ha-ha!

Two Final Things!

1.) We are looking to hire a new Caveo crew member to join our team - who do you know? Check out the details here and please share to who you know that wants a great place to work!!

2.) Our next event for business owners is lined up for the 28th August. Check out the details here and please come along and share to who you know that may enjoy this event!


Alice and Joshua

Alice Kauri | Broker Support

Caveo - powered by Velocity Financial

38 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington

M: 027 273 3392

E: alice@caveo.co.nz

W: www.caveo.co.nz

Read Caveo's disclosure here.

Always get professional advice

The information shared in this post is meant to be general guide to support you on your journey. When making important decisions about your finances, we encourage you to seek independent financial advice first, tailored to your unique situation.  As well as talking with a financial adviser, make sure you talk to your lawyer and accountant too – together they'll help you find the best solution for your specific situation. Our knowledgeable financial advisers are here to help. Check out our website for the details about our financial advisory services in our disclosures  https://www.velocityfinancial.co.nz/disclosure-statement. 

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