Our team do some pretty spectacular things (both at work and beyond!) and we are very proud of them! :)
These are some of the things our team have done, can you guess who did them?
Anyone who participates can go in our lucky dip to win 1 of 5 vouchers or merchandise packs from one of our favourite Wellington brands- Laffare, Light House Cinemas, Moore Wilsons, Whittakers (YUM!)
Graham - Top Dog, Director, Financial Adviser
Brendon - Top Dog, Director, Financial Adviser
Tania - Financial Adviser
Elizabeth - Financial Adviser
Simon - Financial Adviser
Lance - Financial Adviser
Rebecca - Office Top Dog
Manisha - Client Services Manager
Bella - Client Services Manager
Willie - Client Services Manager
Suzanna - Client Services Manager
Josh - General Manager, Caveo
Ben - Broker Support for Caveo
Shona - Communications Manager
Copy the team names
Click on the email link (above.)
Paste the names into the email
Next to each name, write a word or two (e.g. Brendon = cheerleading, Graham = Japanese Wiggle)
Answers in the next Spin!